For nylig fik vi Alan Wake Remastered, der igen mindede os om at Remedy virkelig har sit på det tørre som spiludvikler. I den anledning har instruktøren bag, Sam Lake, snakket lidt om hans forhold til det originale spil.
I et interview med GameSpot siger han, at han stadig er meget stolt af det originale Alan Wake:
"Time is a funny thing. Coming out of the project, after being so focused on making it, trying to get everything in, you often see a lot of the problems or miss the things that didn't make it in. Coming back to an older work, mercifully, all of that has faded away and you can look at the work with fresh eyes, appreciate it as a whole, and not miss those details. So, it's all positive. I am, and we are, very proud of Alan Wake. It makes me very happy. And many elements invented there are still part of the Remedy game formula, being refined further in Control, for example."
Det vides ikke hvad Remedy arbejder på i dag, udover naturligvis singleplayer-kampagnen i det kommende CrossfireX. Vi tænker dog at Alan Wake 2 er på tapetet.