Horizon: Zero Dawn Remastered

Schreier: "Horizon Online kommer før Horizon 3"

"Part of me feels like, I wonder what happens if neither of those hit, and it turns out there isn't a ton of interest in Horizon anymore?"

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Horizon-serien har haft ret meget succes for Guerrilla Games og Sony, men det er naturligvis aldrig sikkert at den succes kan overføres til et tredje spil i serien, et remaster eller sågar et live service spin-off. Men netop sidstnævnte er angiveligt det store projekt studiet arbejder på lige nu.

Jason Schreier har for nylig medvirket i podcastet Spawn Wave, og her fortæller han at dette online-spil, der er en del af Sonys nu lettere forliste live service push, er studiets næste store titel, og at det derfor kommer før et tredje spil i hovedserien.

"Guerrilla Games is in an interesting place because they're working on this Horizon Online game that I'm not sure how many people want that, and so they've got this remaster coming and then the LEGO game coming. Part of me feels like, I wonder what happens if neither of those hit, and it turns out there isn't a ton of interest in Horizon anymore? Are they still gonna be doing the online game? I don't know. There are a lot of questions around their strategy and around that online game that I certainly have. Horizon Online is their next project, not whatever the third single player game looks like, so that one might be a ways off. Sony's PlayStation's live service initiative was no joke. Everybody was like, it's live service games all around, and Horizon is one of the few that hasn't been canceled or hasn't come out and flopped the way Concord did. So yeah, a lot of questions there, but a lot of people are working on that online project."

Schreier selv lader til at være lettere skeptisk om et Horizon live service-spil, og vi minder lige om at dette kommer til at have et "stylized look" - dog ved vi ikke hvordan det reelt tager sig ud.

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Horizon: Zero Dawn Remastered

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