CI Games' Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 er endelig ude, og nye ejere har måske allerede lagt mærke til, at spillet er udkommet uden multiplayer, og det er der en meget god grund til. Multiplayer-delen kommer nemlig først i en opdatering senere hen.
"Throughout our development of Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, we have had two [aims]: The first is to provide the best possible single-player experience in our most ambitious game in the Sniper Ghost Warrior series to date. This has always been our goal and we are extremely proud of all the work we have done, and that we share with you. The second emphasis from us is to provide regular content updates post launch, focusing on content that enhances the gaming experience."
"Therefore, we have chosen to release the multiplayer update (that will be free for our players) after launch (the third quarter of 2017) for precisely the above reasons, that is not to dilute any potential from the single-player experience."
Sådan fortæller udvikleren i en meddelelse. Hvad synes du om initiativet? Burde CI Games have ventet?