
Sony har doneret 5 mio. dollars til hjælpeorganisationer i forbindelse med naturbrandene i LA

Flere Los Angeles-baseret PlayStation studier vil også donere penge til disse hjælpeorganisationer.

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De frygtelige naturbrande i Los Angeles raser stadig i området omkring Los Angeles. Brandene har ødelagt mere end 12.000 bygninger, sendt mere end 150.000 mennesker på flugt og 25 mennesker er omkommet.

I sådan en situation, træder hverdagens helte frem, helt almindelige mænd og kvinder i form af brandfolk, hospitalspersonale og hjælpeorganisationer, der arbejder i døgndrift på at få bugt med flammerne og tage sig af de mennesker, hvis hjem og liv er forsvundet.

Sony har nu doneret 5 millioner dollars (36 millioner kroner) til folkene i frontlinjen, til genopbygning og til andre hjælpeorganisationer der arbejder i Los Angeles. I en samlet udtalelse siger Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida og president og COO Hiroki Totoki:

Los Angeles has been the home of our entertainment businesses for more than 35 years. We will continue to work with our local business leadership to determine how best Sony Group can support relief and recovery efforts in the days ahead.

Også flere LA-baseret PlayStation studier som Naughty Dog, Insomniac Games og Santa Monica Studio har oplyst, at de har planer om at donere penge til hjælpeorganisationer.

I en udtalelse fra Naughty Dog står der blandt andet: "Naughty Dog is deeply saddened by the Los Angeles wildfire's impact on our neighbors, our friends and family, and even some of our own dogs. While we have been working hard to support those of our own team that have been affected, we also want to support the community we are part of. We are joining Sony in making a donation to support wildfire relief efforts. Our studio is donating to the LA Fire Department Foundation, World Central Kitchen, CCF Wildfire Foundation and the Pasadena Humane Society."

Insomniac Games skriver på mediet X: "Insomniac has called the Los Angeles area home for decades. We feel a responsibility to support the communities that have molded us into who and what we are today. We would also like to deeply thank first responders and volunteers for their heroic acts with the ongoing containment and relief efforts. Please stay safe."

Endelig siger God of War skaberne fra Santa Monica Studio: "The devastating wildfires ongoing in Southern California and Los Angeles have greatly impacted the place Santa Monica Studio has called home since our funding. We are deeply saddened to see so much of our local community affected, including many of our team members, partners and friends. To aid in the relief efforts, Santa Monica Studio will be joining Sony and our Los Angeles Playstation sister studios in making donations to organizations providing critical support to those who have found themselves without shelter and other basic necessities."

Også andre store virksomheder har doneret penge til hjælpeorganisationer, der arbejder i Los Angeles, blandt andet har Google og YouTube doneret 15 millioner dollars (109 millioner kroner) og AirBnB og lokale hoteller i området huser ramte familier gratis eller til meget nedsatte priser.

Sony har doneret 5 mio. dollars til hjælpeorganisationer i forbindelse med naturbrandene i LA

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