
Sony: "Konsoller forbliver kernen af forretningen"

Nye initiativer kan komme til, men for Sony handler stadig om at sælge konsoller.

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Spørger du Microsoft, så vil de sige at konsoller forbliver vigtigt, men at introducere nye måder at spille på, blandt andet via streaming, vil være afgørende i stigende grad. Men Sony lader fortsat til at tro hårdnakket på, at konsoller er vejen frem for deres virksomhed.

Under et interview med Nikkei fortæller Head of Sony Interactive Entertainment Platform Business Group, Hideaki Nishino, at konsoller forbliver kernen af deres forretning, selvom at de vil forøge deres eksperimentering med andre platforme:

"I think that with mobile devices, there are many games that show advertisements, and PCs are difficult to set up, but with PlayStation, once you turn it on, you can experience the content you bought straight away. The store where you purchase software also offers an intuitive experience because the products are laid out in an easy-to-understand manner. We are trying to increase our share of the overall game market by developing content for PCs as well. There is no doubt that consoles will be at the core of our business, but by offering titles for platforms other than consoles, we will reach a wider range of customers."

Det kommer efter at det er blevet afsløret, at AMD har vundet kontrakten på PlayStation 6, men det vides endnu ikke hvornår denne ankommer.

Sony: "Konsoller forbliver kernen af forretningen"

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