Vi havde fornøjelsen af at tale med Sonys europæiske Boss of PlayStation, Jim Ryan, under E3, og han fortalte os lidt mere om firmaets planer for fremtiden.
Hvorfor besluttede Sony sig for at bekræfte eksistensen af en Neo men ikke vise den ved E3?
"Two reasons, first of all, like I said, we need to keep these things to a manageable time. We had all these games and we really wanted to focus on the games coming in 2016 and 2017 and beyond on PS4 and PlayStation VR. We didn't want to dilute it or distract it by hardware related announcements. But more importantly we feel it's important that when you make this sort of announcement that you don't just trod off a list of specifications and this and that, but that you actually demonstrate what a device like Neo is capable of. And when we have the gaming applications to do that, the we'll be ready and then we'll show it."
Du kan selvfølgelig fortolke dette, som du vil. Vi havde bestemt på fornemmelsen at det var et prik til Microsoft, som annoncerede Project Scorpio uden egentlig at vise hvad den kunne. For at holde gang i disse konkurrence-lignende gløder, spurgte vi dernæst ind til Microsofts kommentar omkring at køre VR ordenligt på Project Scorpio - noget der bestemt lød som et slag mod PSVR til PS4.
"My comment to that is go and check out PlayStation VR and join the 40 million people who already own the PlayStation 4 who will be able to enjoy a fantastic PlayStation VR experience. I've got absolutely no doubts about the quality of the VR experience that PlayStation VR offers to everybody that owns a PlayStation 4."
Det er nærmest unødvendigt at sige at der ikke vil være 40 millioner PS4-ejere ved lanceringen af PSVR, der nyder godt af VR-funktionen. Men vil Sony alligevel være i stand til at møde forbrugernes krav?
"We have some pre-orders [numbers], but at the end of the day you never really know until you launch. It's all speculation and matching of supply to demand. What I can say is that production is going very well, it's entirely on track. We will have a proper PlayStation launch for PlayStation VR. We will, unlike other consoles, be launching in every major European market on the same day, October 13th, that we launch in Japan and North America. Very important for me to be able to do that. We will have significant amounts of inventory, we'll have inventory in stores, we'll have inventory to fulfill pre-orders. Whether that's enough, honestly I don't know, but it will be a proper PlayStation launch."
Hvornår vi får Neo'en at se, forbliver et mystere, men det kunne jo være så tidligt som ved Gamescom næste måned eller måske ved Tokyo Game Show eller PlayStation Experience senere på året. Hvem ved?