Via et AMA-interview på Reddit, har Deus Ex og Epic Mickey-skaberen Warren Spector løftet sløret den aflyste Half-Life-projekt, som hans studie, Junction Point, arbejdede på.
"Junction Point had a project cancelled (we can talk about that, too, if you want). There was no money. Basically, Valve came in like a white knight and offered us some work on a Half Life episode set in a part of the Half Life universe that hadn't been explored deeply.
"In addition, just because my team couldn't just do anything the easy way, we decided to add a new tool to the Half Life universe - the magnet gun. We came up with some COOL stuff to do with the magnet gun. Valve decided to move in another direction but I still wish they'd do something with the magnet gun. It was fun."
Spector uddybede derefter lidt om den såkaldte magnetpistol:
"The magnet gun was entirely different than the gravity gun. The two would have been super complementary."
Det ville så sandelig have været spændende, at se hvad Deus Ex-skaberen kunne have gjort med Half-Life, og det er en skam, at projektet aldrig så dagens lys.