Starcraft: Remastered udkommer til PC d. 14. august. Som titlen meget korrekt antyder, er det en remastered version af Blizzards klassiske sci-fi real-time strategi-spil. Denne opdaterede version vil have "4K Ultra High Definition graphics, enhanced audio, new matchmaking and leaderboard systems".
Den nye version arbejder sammen med det oprindelige spil, så folk der køber denne remaster kan spille sammen med spillere der allerede ejer Starcraft og Starcraft: Brood War.
Hvis du forudbestiller spillet, kan du få: "three unique building skins for use in Starcraft: Remastered—the Char Hive, the Korhal Command Center, and the Aiur Nexus". Når du køber det, vil du yderligere modtage "digital bonuses in Starcraft II, including the Alexei Stukov co-op commander and three unique portraits that celebrate Starcraft: Remastered".
Blizzards Mike Morhaime udtalte at "nearly 20 years ago, Starcraft welcomed millions of gamers to an epic sci-fi universe—and also helped form the foundation for esports as we know it today. Passionate gamers around the world are still playing Brood War, both with friends and competitively, so we're modernizing the technology behind Starcraft so that they can continue to enjoy the game for many years to come."