Det var faktisk meningen at Stardew Valley-skaber Eric Barone skulle stoppe udviklingen af mere indhold til spillet for at fokusere på Haunted Chocolatier, som er en slags spirituel efterfølger til projektet. Men han endte med at opdele sin tid imellem de to projekter, og tidligere på året fik Stardew Valley så den omfattende 1.6-opdatering.
Men selvom det var meningen at det skulle tage "kort tid" at bringe denne opdatering til andre platforme end PC, så har der tydeligvis været problemer bag scenetæppet. Nu er det åbenbart så grelt at Barone må stoppe udviklingen på Haunted Chocolatier. I en besked på X siger han dette:
Console and mobile ports are still in progress. I acknowledge that they are taking a long time. There are reasons for this, but the bottom line is that they are not out yet, we are still working on them, and they have been our primary focus since 1.6 came out for PC. It would be a huge relief to me if they were ready today, but they aren't, so all we can do is continue working on them until they are ready. I have not touched Haunted Chocolatier in a long time because I am committed to finalizing Stardew 1.6 first. To those who are frustrated or even angry about the timeline, I understand and accept full responsibility. To those who are patient and understanding, thank you, you make life better and reduce stress, and I appreciate it. Back to work.
Vi tænker at Barone bare skal have al den tid han skal bruge, men vi glæder os nu alligevel til at se mere til Haunted Chocolatier.