Som du måske allerede har set, så kører udvikler Supermassive Games deres Dark Pictures-spil igennem sæsoner, og det kommende The Dark Pictures: Directive 8020 markerer starten på den anden af disse.
Det betyder samtidig at studiet ønsker at tage lidt flere chancer med både emner og gameplay-strukturer, eftersom mange nok ville mene at det hele bliver lidt for genkendeligt. I et interview med Gamereactor på Gamescom siger de dette:
"We think we've hit the nail on the head with the cinematic branching.
We love doing it, we think we do it well and we know our fans love it. But we're always looking at what we want to do as players, what our team wants to do at home, what the fans are telling us (...) And we're trying to explore new things and broaden the audience and make the best game we can. It's like everything we do well at Supermassive is still in this game. But there are a lot more sections where that opens up to the kind of gameplay on the sticks. Yes, there's less cinematics in this game and more exploration, but it still has that narrative feel to it. The branching that we've had to do in all the games we've done so far is really tricky."
Du kan se hele interviewet herunder.