Satellite Reign betegnes om den spirituelle efterfølger til de klassiske Syndicate-spil fra halvfemserne. Det er ikke helt tilfældigt, for Mike Diskett er med på projektet, og han var lead designer på Syndicate Wars fra 1996.
Action-strategispilet skulle da også have gameplay, der minder om forgængerne, når man som spiller styrer et hold agenter rundt i den dystopiske fremtidsby. Spillet er nu ankommet til Steams Early Access, og du kan læse lidt mere om det i dagens pressemeddelelse herunder:
Satellite Reign is a real-time, class-based strategy game. You control a squad of four agents, each with distinct and unique abilities, as they vie for control of a fully simulated, living, cyberpunk city.
The game world is designed to facilitate emergent gameplay, giving you the tools and freedom to play how you want to play, so you can create strategies and scenarios that not even we had anticipated!
Customise your team with the strength to destroy your enemies head-on, or hack into their facilities to manipulate their infrastructure without them ever knowing you were even there.
Will you take down your enemies with brute-force? Covert espionage and infiltration? Or will you use propaganda to influence the citizens of the city and overthrow the controlling powers?