The Evil Within

The Evil Within og Rage har "solgt godt nok" til at få efterfølgere

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Via et nyligt interview med Finder kommenterer Bethesdas egen Pete Hines lidt på de potentielle efterfølgere til id Softwares Rage og Tango Gamesworks' The Evil Within. Efter at have sagt endegyldigt ja til, at begge spil har solgt godt nok til at modtage flere kapitler, tilføjede Hines dog dette:

"I can't talk about the unannounced stuff and what we may or may not do. I get myself in trouble whenever I do that. Even when we were talking about the Morrowind Remaster, if I come out and say, 'I just don't think that is going to happen,' then people freak out. So I won't confirm or deny stuff we may or may not do, as people jump to the wrong conclusions. But I do think both The Evil Within and Rage did well enough that we could make sequels. Personally I loved Rage and had a tonne of fun playing it, but we have a lot of stuff in the pipeline right now so you will have to wait and see."

Vi krydser i hvert fald fingre for The Evil Within 2.

The Evil Within

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The Evil Within

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