The Witcher 4

The Witcher 4 vil sætte fokus på "freedom and intense gameplay"

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Vi ved nu at over 300 ansatte hos CD Projekt RED arbejder på The Witcher 4, og vi ved ydermere at det antal kommer til at vokse til over 400 indenfor de næste måneder. Derfor lader det til at de er godt igang, så derfor giver det også mening at vi nu lærer lidt mere om hvad ideen bag spillet er.

I et interview med Lega Nerd siger Game Director Sebastian Kalemba eksempelvis, at de sætter meget fokus på spillerfrihed, og på at tilbyde "intenst gameplay":

"We have some elements of the lore that need to be kept, as the universe is always the same and we cannot go beyond certain limits. We must therefore follow a very specific direction while innovating. Our priority is to try to do something that always goes beyond the limits; we want to go further. We want to try to do something new compared to what we already see in RPGs. The idea is indeed to build something that goes beyond the previous The Witcher and that manages to tell something more intense, with also more intense gameplay."

Og i forhold til den frihed der, så siger han dette:

"The player must also be able to have freedom, feel like they are free. Starting from the construction of the character, our pressure point is immersion. It is about the possibility of choosing your own path. Also the build, obviously, because being an RPG the player must be able to build their character as he sees fit. The Witcher will follow this structure: lots of freedom, but there is a specific path to follow from a narrative point of view."

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The Witcher 4

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