Er det synderligt overraskende at studiet bag Forza Motorsport-serien arbejder på det næste kapitel? Nej, ikke synderligt må man sige, men om ikke andet er det rart for seriens fans at vide, at endnu et kapitel er på vej.
For nylig talte studiet bag serien, Turn 10, nemlig lidt om fremtiden i Forza Monthly-podcastet, og her fortalte instruktør Dan Greenawalt, at de officielt er gået i gang med det næste spil i serien.
Dog er det kun i konceptfasen, så det lader ikke til at studiet vil indgå i den samme toårige cyklus med Horizon-serien som tidligere. Dog lader det til at forbrugerne skal indgå langt tidligere i processen end tidligere:
"I'm kind of an old crocodile here, having worked on Midtown Madness, PGR and of course Forza Motorsport. I've seen the changes in the industry. There's an old way that we did things. Concept phase, pre-production phase, production phase...It takes a certain amount of time and you don't really involve the community until much later."
"We're trying to change it. I think you've seen it in this last year with Forza Motorsport 7 and trying to engaging the community more heaviliy with the livestreams, but it's even changing how we do the concept process itself. Interviewing players, getting involved in Skype, I think this new process is awesome, but it's a change and it's something we've been learning how to do better."