Pro Evolution Soccer 2019

Usmakabyle udtaler sig om kontroversiel PES League-fejring: "Jeg er lidt sur"

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Efter en række år på pause fra PES er Usmakabyle tilbage, og han vandt faktisk for nylig verdens største turnering, og blev PES League Europe Champion. Dog var dette ikke det største for spilleren, for han fejrede langt mere entusiastisk sin sejr over Alex Aguacil i semifinalerne. Faktisk blev han ganske emotionel.


Da Gamereactor så snakkede med Alguacil efterfølgende spurgte vi FC Barcelona-spilleren om Usmakabyles reaktion efter at have givet håndtryk til ham.

"It's weird because he's two-times world champ. Me, zero times in 1v1 (yeah one time in 3v3 but it's not the same). And yeah he sees me at the same level, and he also didn't want to play against me at that semi-final that was actually a final that qualified for the World Championship. I don't know, I will let people decide if it's right or wrong, or if they like it or not, or which player to support. I only have to play and try to be the best. I guess he suffered a lot in these last few years when he changed to FIFA, now he's back on PES, because his last appearance on the World Champ I think was three years ago. So I guess he had a lot of extra motivation as well to survive like that, but on my side I don't have any problems if the opponent acts like that, it's a motivation to me. It's a shame he was better today - or [that] he won today."


Vi spurgte naturligvis også Usmakabyle om hans nu kontroversielle fejring lige op i ansigtet på hans slagne modstander.

"Alguacil is a top player. So, my main goal was to qualify for the World Cup, so that's why I celebrated a lot at the semifinals. And my personality is like that; I'm very emotional and a little mad, so that's why I celebrated like that".

Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
PES League Team

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