The Legend of Zelda Movie

Zelda-filminstruktør ønsker at filmen skal føles som en "live-action Miyazaki-film"

Wes Ball ønsker at ikke at bruge film som The Lord of the Rings som inspiration.

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Selvom at The Legend of Zelda er en episk fantasy-fortælling om store byer, gigantiske slag ført af store hære, så er der også en inderlighed, en isolation og elegance, som særligt kommer til udtryk i de to seneste spil.

Det lader til at være den som instruktøren bag den kommende live-action The Legend of Zelda-film, Wes Ball, læner sig op af. Faktisk ønsker han at det skal føles som en slags live-action Hayao Miyazaki-film. I et interview med Entertainment Weekly siger han dette:

"I've always said, I would love to see a live-action Miyazaki. That wonder and whimsy that he brings to things, I would love to see something like that. It's going to be awesome. My whole life has led up to this moment. I grew up on Zelda and it is the most important property, I think, that's untapped IP, if you will. So we very much are working hard to do something. We're not just trying to do it because we can. We want to make something really special."

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The Legend of Zelda Movie

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