I weekenden kunne vi bringe rygtet om en kommende Xbox One samt PlayStation 4-udgave af Metro-spillene. Således lød rygterne at både Metro: Last Light og Metro 2033 er planlagt i en såkaldt Redux-udgave til den nye generation af konsoller samt PC.
Gamereactor har nu modtaget endelig bekræftelse fra Deep Silver, der i ganske løssluppen facon konstaterer, at det er kedeligt at benægte rygter, og at de i dette tilfælde er gode nok.
De lover samtidig mere nyt om projektet inden dette års E3-messe.
Du kan læse Deep Silvers svar herunder:
Metro Redux. You may have heard of it... even though you probably shouldn't have!
We could issue a ‘We do not comment on rumour and speculation' statement and pretend this never happened. They're pretty boring to read. They're also pretty boring to write.
So we're going to comment on rumour and speculation instead.
Is Metro Redux real?
Yes. We never made any secret of 4A's desire to bring Metro to the latest generation of console hardware.
But what you saw leaked was taken from an old, internal planning presentation, containing some nuggets of truth but a lot of hypothetical ideas and place holder material.
As you can see, we're not quite ready to reveal 4A Games' first next-gen console project, but we will be making an announcement this side of E3.